Sunday, November 9, 2008

Boot Camp Day 7 (the day of rest)

For boot camp, today was cake: 30 minutes of cardio, 75 minutes of strength training and stretching. Anywhere but boot camp I'd call it a pretty normal workout. One weird thing: today's trainer was playing country music. Now, I know some people like country (I like a little Patsy Cline, but that's my limit), but I don't know anyone (especially in LA) who thinks that country is workout music. Weird.

I'm grateful for the break, though. Tomorrow I have 4 hours of one-on-one training in addition to group boot camp, and I'm going to be exhausted. The time off also allowed me to get some work done on those grad school applications. Now if only Berkeley's website wasn't freaking out today, I'd be done with 5 out of 7.

Scariest thing about tomorrow: they're putting me back in the box to scan and weigh me...

1 comment:

T said...

Though the box thing isn't the most dignified experience in the world - I'll bet you'll be surprised by how much progress you've already made. It's impossible for you not to see results already!!