Wednesday, November 19, 2008

BC 17 - Another Good Day

Still riding on yesterday's high, I had another very good day. I started the day with outdoor yoga. I'm still having trouble moving from downward dog to warrior one, but I'm at least getting more of the poses. Plus, no matter how much I suck (which is still, honestly, kind of a lot), it's nice to look up at the amazing, cloudless, super-blue sky. The rest of my day was tough but good: an hour of training, focused on shoulders with some leg work; an hour of independent cardio (in which I got good and sweaty); another hour of training, this time mostly with stretches and cardio circuit training; yet another hour of independent cardio (even sweatier); and an hour of indoor boot camp: triceps, shoulders (again - very sore), biceps and legs.

Tonight some of my camper friends are going to Carmen, and some may be disappointed to learn that I turned down a free ticket. In my defense, I keep falling asleep at 10 every night and had no desire to do it at the opera.

A little nervous/excited about tomorrow: my first hike!

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