Saturday, November 15, 2008

BC 13: The Lowest Common Denominator

Beach boot camp this morning was a lot less brutal than last week. So not brutal, in fact, that it hardly qualified as a boot camp. The reason: a few of us were grouped with the oldest, slowest camper and instructed to go at her pace for all of our cardio. Seriously, we had to hold a rope with her holding up the rear, and stopped every time she needed a break. The result: the only person breaking a sweat was said slow camper. There were many (well, three) unhappy campers as a result of this.

Afternoon boot camp was a good deal more intense, especially because we told the afternoon trainer what happened in the morning, and she worked us out twice as hard to make up for the cardio workout we'd missed: treadmill at a reasonable walking pace but insane incline for about 35 minutes (my heart rate was crazy high for almost the entire time) and another 35 minutes of cardio circuit training, plus abs, biceps, triceps and legs, rounding out the 2 hours with chest and shoulders circuit training.

Tonight I'm hanging out with some of my fellow campers: we're going to see The Changeling at a time that doesn't conflict with any of our scheduled meals. Because not only do we eat only what they tell us to, but we eat it only when they tell us to.


T said...

Okay - what is the point of this boot camp? Team-building, or fitness?!? Because that approach really doesn't seem to benefit anyone (shaming the slowest person, making the rest of you miss out on going at your own pace). Annoying. Tell me how you like the movie.

Adrienne said...

This was the first annoying keep up with the slowest person activity and will (I hope) be the last, especially since we've already complained about it in terms of "this is wasting our money" and no way will they want to refund us for screwing us out of a workout.

On the other hand, I am almost willing to suck up the loss of one good workout if it means ostracizing the slow one (who is also the stupid, racist, homophobic one, and therefore not my favorite camper).

43 minutes to Sunday group circuit!

The movie was good: could have been edited a bit more for pacing purposes, but some good acting and a pretty engaging story.