Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Travel Reading

As it turns out, I've been doing more over the past 2 months than just seeing the world, struggling with squat toilets and being equal parts annoyed and amused by my fellow travelers. I've also been reading. A lot, considering I spent much of the first 6 1/2 weeks without electricity, traveling on unpaved roads which did NOT inspire me to read in the car. So, in the list of things I'm thankful for, the Amazon Kindle ranks pretty high. So now, in no particular order, my reading list since leaving LA for Addis:

The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears (finding books for Kindle by Ethiopians or about Ethiopia is not easy)


Dreams from My Father

Boomsday (no, really, I like Christopher Buckley)

Gulliver's Travels (an appropriate reread, I think)

I'm Looking Through You

Soon I Will Be Invincible (fun) and From the Notebooks of Dr. Brain (sadly, not quite as much fun)

My Sister's Keeper and Nineteen Minutes (I'm ashamed to admit this. She needs a better editor and/or to stop writing. But her books ARE page turners)

Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

The Alchemyst and The Magician (these two look like a promising start to a new Y/A series)

Assassination Vacation

Lost on Planet China

The Bonesetter's Daughter

Journey from the Land of No

Septembers of Shiraz (I read these 2 back to back, on the recommendation of a friend from the firm)

The Year of Living Biblically (very funny and it made me want to read the bible)

The Glass Castle

A Thousand Splendid Suns

Dear American Airlines

The Blue Place, Stay and Always (Nicola Griffith, and not my type of books at all. I prefer her sci-fi, but didn't read the synopses before downloading).

Trying to pick up more non-fiction, and succeeding, although travel writing, memoirs and autobiogrpahies are not quite the "serious" non-fiction I had in mind. I do love that I have enough time to see the world and read three books a week (trying to pick up the pace a bit, but I fear I'll be seeing less of the world if I do).

1 comment:

Jenny Davidson said...

Delighted that "Gulliver's Travels" made the list...