Thursday, October 16, 2008

And so it begins (well, in 2 1/2 weeks)

My adventure doesn't actually begin for another 17 days. Until then, I'll be planning and stressing about grad school, boot camp, my world tour, and everything else. Wish me luck.

The current plan:

November 3 through December 15 - fitness boot camp in LA. I'll be working out 7 hours a day, having someone else make all my meals, clean up after me, give me massages, and otherwise control my life. Ideally, I'll lose 40-50 pounds and be the fittest I've ever been.

December 20 through January 14 - Ethiopia

January 14 through January 18 - Zanzibar

January 18 through February 1 - Safari in Kenya and Tanzania

February 2 through March 2 - Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos

March 3 through 17 - Pit Stop in the U.S. (LA, NYC and Cambridge)

March 19 through 23 - Tonga

March 23 through 28 - New Zealand

March 29 through April 30 - India

May 1 through June 26 - South Africa, Swaziland, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Botswana

June 27 through July 26 - Toulouse, Paris, Amsterdam, London and Scotland (all around)

That's the plan, anyway. I'll keep you posted.


Boutique Mix Fashion said...

I am sooooooooooooooooooo happy for you and can't wait to read all about it. Safe travels and good luck. Post pictures!!!

Robby said...

Bon voyage, Adrienne! See you in March on the sunny shores of Fa Fa Island!