Monday, November 10, 2008

Boot Camp Day 8: Weigh In

Attention Upper East-Siders (sorry, I'm a little excited for Gossip Girl this evening):

After a grueling first week, I am sorry to report that I only lost 4 pounds. The trainers are attributing it to increased muscle mass (because, seriously, who would pay $4,000 to lose 4 pounds?), but I'm not so sure. In slightly better news, I've lost about an inch from my waist, an inch from my thighs and 2(!) inches from my biceps. The hips: not so much, if the weird scanner box is to be believed. I'm not thrilled, but I'm committed to pushing myself this week and getting better results.

And now, for better news: I am finally relearning to ride a bike. Although starting remains tough, I managed to bike around the (kind of big) parking lot behind the gym a few times. My endurance is also improving: I suffered through 2 sessions with different trainers, both of whom tortured me with various exercises involving the step (some of which sorely challenged my balance abilities). I also managed to stay on the elliptical trainer for 50 minutes before breaking down and doing some time on the rope pulling machine (which is probably tougher, but at least I got to sit). Progress.

As for my fellow campers, I may have mentioned that many of them have lots of money, of which they're very fond. Thus, I was treated today over lunch to a gripe session about how thanks to Obama's proposed increases in the capital gains tax, they will no longer be able to afford as many vacations or meals out or fancy cars. Cry me a river. And also, considering some of this was coming from a woman whose entire family has been at boot camp since July (think: $4,000 per person per week), I hardly think a few percentage points in the capital gains tax is going to force them to start eating ramen and taking the bus.

Also lame (although not to the same degree): the oldest camper, who appears to be a little racist, is also a little stupid and/or illiterate. Today, she ate my 4 pm meal (our meals during the day are in a communal fridge, but have our names clearly typed on the lids). So, I was forced to have her meal, which was rancid. Annoying.

Don't worry: some of the campers are cooler than others, and the two closest to my age are smart, nice and normal.


Jenny Davidson said...

Hmmm, the measurements and the increased fitness are a better test than number of pounds - really 4 pounds is a great success, and if you lose four pounds every week it is good, I just don't want to see you disappointed if the numbers are not quite what you imagine! (Not to mention, water weight will affect the number on the scales...)

T said...

I agree - 4lbs in a week is great! You may have a loss that reflects the gain in muscle, which is denser than fat, so definitely don't read too much into things. The fact that you're already feeling more fit means you're getting a lot out of this. Please be proud of yourself - you've earned it.

Adrienne said...

Thank you both! I know I shouldn't beat myself up, but it's hard not to be disappointed. So many people here at boot camp lost 8, 10 or even 12 pounds their first week. But, all I can do is work harder and hope for the best. I just really need to be in decent shape for the mountain climbing in Ethiopia next month.

T said...

Whatevs on the other people. I bet they didn't put on any muscle to replace that fat. What do your trainers say? Are they modifying your training in any way? I'm someone who puts on muscle very quickly, and trainers will argue with you about this if you are a woman. So if you think they've got you lifting too heavy (putting on too much muscle) or eating too much protein (again, muscle) - they should adjust to your body type.

D_anon said...

Congratulations for making it through the first week! What's more important than the pounds is the stamina that you're gaining. As you increase your endurance, your pounds will start to roll off. A week with minimal weight loss is generally followed by a week with greater weight loss. You always need to remember that every pound and inch that you have lost, you've worked for it! You should be damn proud, I am!

I love reading your blog. I just might get motivated to exercise too!!

meatballz said...

i think those results are fantastic and i agree with jenny and pinky - don't focus so much on the weight because you clearly have gained a lot of muscle. keep it up!