Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Boot Camp: Day 3

I am freaking out. Not just because Prop 8 looks like it's passing (so awful) but because I have a bike ride scheduled this afternoon. I haven't been on a bike since I was 10, and I have never driven in traffic. So there's a decent chance that this may be more about getting hit by a car and/or breaking a limb and less about actual exercise...


meatballz said...

so how was the bike ride? what's the food like? is the room comfie?

Adrienne said...

As it turns out, you can forget how to ride a bike. My trainer is going to have to give me a few one-on-one tutorials before I'm comfortable back on a bike.

More on the food and apartment in the weekend's post.

meatballz said...

is that a euphemism for sex?