Monday, November 17, 2008

BC 15 - Depressing Weigh In

As anyone who has been following my blog knows, I have been working my butt off (literally) at boot camp. So you can imagine my disappointment when I was informed that I'd only lost 2 pounds this week. After 30 hours of exercise and a week of pretty awful food--and such small portions! No refunds, though, so no fear of my quitting early. I'm considering not weighing in for the next 4 weeks, though, since there's nothing I can do but what I'm already doing, and another disappointing weigh-in will just make me less enthusiastic about the program.

In other news, the owner and founder of the boot camp made an unscheduled appearance to give yet another "motivational" speech. Again, he handed out the sheet of quotations from famous men like Ronald Reagan, and read them all aloud to us. He also had some new material: apparently he is anti-doctor (especially psychiatrists), and devoted a decent portion of his speech to telling us how exercise is so much better than going to the doctor when you're depressed, because all doctors do is give you pills that make you gain weight and stop feeling, and the only reason anyone is depressed is because of weight issues. So, basically, the guy is a complete idiot who knows nothing about the medical profession, therapy or psychopharmacology. He picked the wrong day to irritate me.

On to the fitness portion of the day. I started off with 90 minutes of spinning plus abs (and can I just say again that I do NOT like spinning). My spinning aversion was made worse by the upsetting egg white, chicken(!) and goat cheese omelet I had for breakfast. Next I had an hour of training just doing shoulders, which is a really painful way to spend an hour. My shoulders already look pretty good, though, since this was my 4th all-shoulder session in 2 weeks. Then, after the disappointing weigh-in, we had the above totally not motivational speech, followed by more cardio and an hour of lower body training (the quad and glute exercises were particularly painful, and, therefore, I assume pretty effective). Training was followed by my massage (more on massages in the next paragraph). My day wrapped up with a pretty intense indoor boot camp: we alternated push-ups and crunches with various punches, with and without weights. So, if I can remember, I now know how to do a jab, cross, hook and uppercut, and can even alternate the punches to a song with a beat. Sadly, I box like a girl.

Massages: There are two masseuses at boot camp. One is very sweet, walks on your back and takes requests as to how hard or soft you want her to go. The other one... rolls down your underwear so that she can massage your butt crack, rolls down the front of the sheet so she can massage your boobs down to and including the space between them, and rolls up the sheet so she can massage your butt cheeks. A couple of us have theorized that she may be the kind of masseuse that will give you a little something extra if you give her a little something extra. Anyway, I keep on getting scheduled with her and I really just want a nice walk on my back...


Jenny Davidson said...

Skip the weigh-ins! You are paying for an intense immersion in the fitness regimen and the culture of good nutrition etc., it's the habits you take away with you rather than the weight loss as such that are most valuable, and it has clearly been a good week regardless of numbers on the scale...

(I know, it is IMPOSSIBLE to mentally reconcile - but the weight thing as such is very mentally destructive - I am in great shape now, about to run a marathon on Sunday and really with very good fitness, but can still make myself very unhappy by contemplating fact that BMI still tells me I am overweight! It is muscle! ARGHHHHHHHH!)

T said...

Jenny is right. If your goal is to get smaller, putting on muscle is the way to go. Not only is it denser than fat, but burns more calories than fat, so the more you put on, the quicker you'll lose fat.

That said - if you aren't getting the results you want, they need to adjust your regimen accordingly. If the head of this program doesn't believe in doctors, then he probably doesn't understand the diversity of physiology. MAKE someone understand that you want the masseuse that stays away from your ass, and that you want them to reassess your fitness program so you get the results you want. And that you don't want any more "motivational" speeches. You're paying way too much to not be freaking overjoyed by the results.

Adrienne said...

Thanks. I think my compromise is only weighing in in conjunction with dunks. The BMI thing is lame: I asked about BMI after my dunk, and the trainer told me that because of all his muscle, according to his BMI, he's obese, and that I should be more interested in percentage body fat (and hip to waist ratio) than BMI. But it's hard not to be interested in BMI when it is constantly brought up.

As for the creepy masseuse: today she didn't wash her hands after going to the bathroom. Sooooo gross.